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Herzlich Willkommen im Forum von Hero Zero! Vergesst nicht, vor der Nutzung der Shoutbox und des Forums die offiziellen Forenregeln zu lesen. Bevor ihr eine Frage stellt, werft zudem einen Blick in die FAQ- vielleicht wurde eure Frage dort schon beantwortet. Danke für euer Verständnis und viel Spaß beim Chatten! ;)

@  Voitrottel : (04.05 - 20:11)

@derbauergeb ach bei dir fährt der lift auch nicht bis rauf

@  Triumph : (04.05 - 19:47)


@  derbauergeb : (04.05 - 19:23)

Jemanden der "Voitrottel" heißt, kann man halt auch einfach nicht ernst nehmen. Zudem wenn von so einem auch meistens nur die Worte "das SPiel eiert wieder" kommt.

@  Voitrottel : (04.05 - 13:35)

Es hilft eh nichts Ticket schreiben oder nicht , wo Trotteln sitzen

@  Voitrottel : (04.05 - 13:35)

Schurke nur am ruckeln , danke für den Dreck

@  Black Angel : (04.05 - 13:25)

so, Thema nun beendet !

@  Black Angel : (04.05 - 13:25)

wie bitte soll ich ein screeni von etwas machen, dass nicht existiert...das genau verlangen die vom support ! Tinii hätte sofort gewusst was gemeint ist, leider gibt es sie nicht mehr :(

@  Black Angel : (04.05 - 13:23)

naja, du bist ja scheinbar auch der einzige bei dem das spiel seit dem letzten update flüssiger als jemals zuvor läuft.... :D :D :D

@  s27Project : (04.05 - 13:19)

@pseudodream Es können noch so viele Leute hier ihre ingame Probleme reinschreiben, das Forum kann dir dabei leider nicht helfen. Bitte wende dich daher an den Support, die sind dafür zuständig.

@  s27Project : (04.05 - 13:18)

ps: nicht böse gemeint, nur ehrlich

@  s27Project : (04.05 - 13:17)

Aber wenn jetzt wieder alles geht und es sich erledigt hat, ist doch alles supi

@  s27Project : (04.05 - 13:16)

Screenshot wäre das einfachste. Das sagt nämlich garnichts aus, man weiß immernoch nicht, was du geschrieben hast bzw. wie du die artikuliert hast

@  Black Angel : (04.05 - 13:15)

hmm, nach meiner klärung des sachverhalts habe ich nun die antwort vom support bekommen, dass ich ihr nachricht ignorieren soll.... :blink:

@  Black Angel : (04.05 - 13:04)

Antwort: Um eine zufriedenstellende Erfahrung für alle unsere Mitglieder zu gewährleisten, haben wir es für notwendig erachtet, Maßnahmen gegen Kontoinhaber zu ergreifen, die das Support-Tool missbrauchen.


Der Missbrauch des Support-Systems führt zu einer Sperre Ihrer E-Mail für das Support-Tool sowie für alle unsere Spielserver.


Dieses Ticket wurde geschlossen.


Vielen Dank, dass Sie mit uns Kontakt aufgenommen haben

@  Black Angel : (04.05 - 13:03)

Die Server laufen nicht mehr, das Spiel ist daher unbespielbar.

@  Triumph : (04.05 - 09:55)

Da würde mich ja mal die Wortwahl bzw allg die Nachricht, die du geschrieben hast, interessieren. Kannst ja gerne Mal ein Screen der Nachricht hier Posten @Black Angel

@  Black Angel : (04.05 - 09:17)

Liebe Katze, ich verstehe die welt nicht mehr. Du schreibst uns das wir den support darüber unterrichten sollen und das habe ich getan. Nun bekomme ich vom support bescheid das es ein mißbrauch vom sopport wäre und die wollen meine emailadresse sperren. Was soll das ganze denn nun...habe doch nur ein ticket geschrieben mit dem vermerk, dass die server immer wieder abstürzen. Bitte um Klärung !

@  Katze : (04.05 - 08:50)

hattest du denn mal den cache gelöscht?

@  Pseudodream : (03.05 - 22:26)

keine Reaktion ist auch eine Reaktion :-(

@  Pseudodream : (03.05 - 16:37)

403 forbidden . was soll das


Mitglied seit 01 Jun 2023
Offline Zuletzt aktiv: Jun 01 2023 04:44

Über mich

What distinguishes CBD oil from hemp oil specifically?


Are you interested in discovering more about the distinctions that exist between CBD oil and hemp oil? If that's the case, then you've found the proper place to be. In this article for PremiumJane Australia's blog, we are going to talk about what distinguishes PremiumJane Australia's CBD oil from hemp oil. We will go over the process of how it is created as well as the reasons why it is unique in comparison to other items now available on the market. Continue reading if you are interested in gaining further knowledge about this well-known product.


Does federal law prohibit the cultivation of hemp in the United States?


The cultivation of hemp does not violate any federal laws in the United States. Hemp, which is defined as cannabis that contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), was taken off of the list of Schedule I banned narcotics https://premiumjane....-hemp-oil-30ml/ in December of 2018, when the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (commonly known as the Farm Bill) was enacted by the United States Congress. This change elevated hemp to the status of an ordinary agricultural product. This paves the way for hemp and goods derived from hemp to be grown legally in the United States; it also makes it lawful to purchase, sell, possess, and transport hemp across state boundaries. We appreciate you getting in touch with PremiumJane Australia!

  • The proliferation of CBD oil has led to a widespread lack of clarity among consumers on the distinctions between this product and hemp oil.
  • Hemp oil and CBD oil may both originate from the same plant family, but they are not the same thing at all. CBD oil is manufactured by isolating the components present in cannabis flowers and then diluting them with a carrier oil. Hemp seed oil is produced by crushing hemp seeds together in order to extract the fatty acids and minerals contained within them.
  • When it comes to finding a natural cure, the quality of the product is an important consideration, and we at PremiumJane Australia are aware of this. Because of this, our full-spectrum CBD oils include all of the naturally occurring cannabinoids that are discovered in hemp plants. As a result, you will experience the entourage effect with each and every dosage. In addition, our products are subjected to stringent testing to guarantee that they are both effective and pure, providing you with the piece of mind that comes from knowing that your health comes first.


Foods and drinks produced from hemp


We appreciate your interest in PremiumJane Australia's hemp-based goods and thank you for shopping with us! We have a large selection of food and drink products that are produced from hemp, such as protein bars, coffee, protein powder, and many more options. To guarantee that our customers get the most possible health advantages from the use of any of our products, we only use natural components of the best possible quality. Because we are so dedicated to offering only the highest quality goods, we are now considered to be one of the most reputable suppliers of hemp-derived meals and drinks in Australia. Get in touch with us right now for more details!


Unbelievable Results That Were Not Anticipated at All


At PremiumJane Australia, we are quite enthusiastic whenever we learn of astounding discoveries that nobody had predicted. Because we have faith in the ability of investigation and discovery to lead to the unveiling of previously unknown opportunities, we make consistent investments in scientific research and are always looking into developing new offerings for our clientele. These latest findings have piqued our interest, and we look forward to learning more about them!

  • Surprising Discoveries That Were Completely Unexpected:
  • PremiumJane Australia was able to provide a whole range of CBD products, which was not something that was anticipated when they first started out.
  • Customers from all around the nation have complimented the company on the excellent quality of the product compositions and extractions that it offers.
  • Clinical tests that were carried out by independent organizations revealed no indications of contamination or adulteration of the product in any form.
  • They have one of the broadest choices of tastes, which makes it simple to choose a CBD oil that is suited to the requirements of every individual.
  • According to the findings of independent lab tests, the majority of products have far lower concentrations of THC than are permitted by law in many countries.


Hemp may be used to make things like fabric for garments and accessories


Hemp is used to make a broad variety of products, including clothes and accessories, which PremiumJane Australia sells. Our goods are created with the utmost level of comfort and elegance in mind while also being constructed from materials that are kind to the environment. Because we are careful to obtain only the highest quality hemp that is produced in an environmentally responsible manner, you can feel good about the fact that your purchase is contributing to the improvement of the natural world. Look at what we have available right now!


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