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Herzlich Willkommen im Forum von Hero Zero! Vergesst nicht, vor der Nutzung der Shoutbox und des Forums die offiziellen Forenregeln zu lesen. Bevor ihr eine Frage stellt, werft zudem einen Blick in die FAQ- vielleicht wurde eure Frage dort schon beantwortet. Danke für euer Verständnis und viel Spaß beim Chatten! ;)

@  s27Project : (09.05 - 08:55)

Jetzt mal ehrlich, klar es ist sehr ärgerlich, wenn mal eine Zahlung nicht funktioniert, hatte ich selber auch schon. Aber zu behaupten es sei abzocke pur? Hab mal deine Emotionen besser im griff

@  Katze : (09.05 - 08:34)

hast du denn schon im Support gefragt? So etwas sollte natürlich nicht passieren, aber hier im Forum kann ich nicht sehen, was da passiert ist.

@  Herbert2404 : (09.05 - 07:09)

Starterpaket 5,49€ trotz nachgewiesener Zahlung nicht erhalten. Angebot 200 Donis für 10,99€ trotz nachgewiesener Zahlung nicht erhalten. Playata wird immer schlechter, für mich ist das Abzocke pur!

@  Katze : (08.05 - 14:02)

Neuere Informationen habe ich noch nicht

@  xMPxDome : (08.05 - 13:53)


@  Cater1977 : (08.05 - 13:44)


@  Böhsman : (08.05 - 01:36)

Ok zu früh und unpassender Name aber egal

@  s27Project : (08.05 - 01:25)


@  s27Project : (08.05 - 01:23)

wurde angekündigt, musst nur lesen

@  s27Project : (08.05 - 01:22)

@  Böhsman : (07.05 - 23:58)

Danke fürs ankündigen der Doppel XP Woche liebes Community Team :-)

@  s27Project : (06.05 - 20:45)


@  darleen66@we... : (06.05 - 20:22)

Kann bestätigen dass dies mit dem "Bann" bei einer öfteren Anmeldung in kürzere Zeit existiert. Finde ich aufgrund von Multiaccounts allerdings sinnvoll.

@  s27Project : (06.05 - 16:25)

@Katze +1

@  Katze : (06.05 - 15:37)

sorry, aber kannst du das bitte im Support-System ausdiskutieren? Das öffentliche Forum ist ganz sicher nicht der richtige Platz dafür

@  DasO : (06.05 - 14:32)

Sorry ... aber das wird jetzt echt immer lächerlicher :fp Spieler werden mittlerweile gebannt weil sie berechtigte Kritik am Spiel äussern ... wtf .. was geht hier ab? Wir sind KUNDEN ... sollten wir nicht Könige sein? :blink:

@  Notwendigkeit : (06.05 - 08:14)

Jetzt wirklich?? Damit ich das richtig verstehe... man wird dafür bestraft, dass man auf mehreren Servern spielt? Wie doll möchte man seine Spieler vergraulen? :D

@  Triumph : (06.05 - 03:48)

@Notwendigkeit hattest einen Soft Bann, weil du zu oft in der App zwischen der Heldenauswahl von Server zu Server gewechselt bist. Das kannst du so aktiv 2x die Stunde machen, damit nichts passiert, aber wenn du es öfter machst, wirst du irgendwann für nh Stündchen gebannt und kannst dich nicht einloggen

@  Notwendigkeit : (06.05 - 01:03)

Ich hatte alles versucht (App cache gelöscht, Appdaten gelöscht, neuinstalliert, im Browser am Tablet, am Laptop,mit verschiedenen Browsern), das Problem war, dass meine Daten angeblich falsch waren, mehrmals das Passwort zurückgesetzt und eingegeben, aber es tat sich nichts. Erst 21:01 Uhr, war eine Anmeldung mit den Daten möglich. Zuvor den Support kontaktiert, was sich im Nachhinein aber schon erwähnt, erledigt hatte!

@  Katze : (05.05 - 21:19)

hast du es mal mit einem anderen Browser versucht?


Mitglied seit 27 Jul 2023
Offline Zuletzt aktiv: Jul 27 2023 18:37

Über mich

Products made from hemp

Are you interested in discovering natural goods that provide incredible advantages? Products made from hemp sourced from Premiumjane Australia are an excellent option. Hemp is a multipurpose plant that has been used in the production of a wide range of goods, including food, clothing, and even cosmetics. Additionally, it is very sustainable, making it a choice that is kind to the environment. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most impressive hemp-based items that can now be purchased in Australia. We are going to look at the numerous applications of them, as well as explore the reasons why they are so helpful to both people and the environment. Continue reading if you are interested in learning about natural alternatives that might contribute to an improvement in your health and well-being.

Food and drink made from hemp

We appreciate you taking the time to look into Premiumjane Australia's collection of hemp-based foods and drinks. Our goods are formulated using whole-plant hemp extracts of the highest possible quality, making them an excellent resource for a variety of important nutrients and delta 8 premium jane phytochemicals. Smoothies, energy bars, teas, and protein powders are just some of the alternatives available to you so that we may cater to your specific dietary requirements. When you shop with us, you can be confident that the premium hemp nourishment that you purchase is of the highest possible quality!

  • You are looking for a natural and risk-free method to enhance your health, but you are unsure which goods would provide you with the most benefit.
  • Because there are so many products containing hemp available on the market, it may be difficult to determine which ones are genuinely effective and are created with high-quality components. In addition, there is no assurance that the aforementioned items will be offered for sale in Australia.
  • Premiumjane Australia provides CBD oil and other products derived from hemp of the highest possible quality, all of which are completely legal in the Australian market. Only the most refined extraction techniques are used to obtain our high-quality CBD oil from organic hemp plants that are farmed in the state of Colorado. Because each of our products has undergone rigorous testing in the laboratory to ensure that it is both pure and effective, you can be certain that using them will not only be safe but also beneficial to your general health and well-being.
Concomitant effects

Prior to putting any of our goods on the market, the team here at Premium Jane Australia gives careful consideration to any and all possible adverse reactions triggered by using them. Our consumers can be certain that they will always have access to CBD products that meet the highest standards of quality and safety to meet their day-to-day health requirements. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the potential adverse effects that may be caused by the use of our goods. Many thanks for getting in touch!

Incorporating hemp into food

Welcome to Premiumjane Australia! We provide food and other health supplements that are made from industrial hemp that is entirely organic and free of genetically modified organisms. In order to guarantee that our goods are of the highest quality, we test them to confirm that they are both pure and effective. Hemp is a kind of superfood that is chock-full of nutrients that are beneficial to your health, including important fatty acids, minerals, protein, and dietary fiber. You may feel the remarkable advantages of hemp in food by trying out our product variety right now.

  • Benefits and Applications of Hemp in Food:
  • Hemp is a source of food that is very nutritious and rich in a variety of nutrients, including protein, vital fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
  • It is possible to utilize it to manufacture milk, breads, cookies, and other delicacies that are pleasant and nutritious alternatives to the meals that are typically eaten.
  • Because they do not contain gluten or lactose, hemp seeds are an excellent substitute for those who have sensitivity to the aforementioned components.
  • Hemp's high fiber content may facilitate digestion and aid in the management of one's weight.
  • Additionally, it offers vital minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, all of which contribute to maintaining healthy bones and assisting in the rehabilitation of muscles after physical activity.
  • HEMP oil is an excellent source of many important fatty acids, which are useful for the health of the skin; it is known to decrease inflammation and enhance the texture of the skin. -HEMP oil is a fantastic source of many vital fatty acids.
Clothing and other Accoutrements

We are grateful for your interest in the clothing and accessories offered by Premiumjane Australia. Our selection of high-quality clothes and accessories is created to offer you an appearance that is current, fashionable, and will hold up over time. You may choose from a variety of designs, ranging from casual to formal, all of which include the same level of comfort and quality that you have come to expect from Premiumjane Australia. Please visit our website or get in touch with us right away if you have any questions regarding the products we provide. We are grateful that you have chosen Premiumjane Australia.


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