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Herzlich Willkommen im Forum von Hero Zero! Vergesst nicht, vor der Nutzung der Shoutbox und des Forums die offiziellen Forenregeln zu lesen. Bevor ihr eine Frage stellt, werft zudem einen Blick in die FAQ- vielleicht wurde eure Frage dort schon beantwortet. Danke für euer Verständnis und viel Spaß beim Chatten! ;)

@  Kawasakianette : (12.05 - 09:15)

Ich wünsche allen Müttern einen wunderschönen Muttertag :wub:

@  maumau244323s : (11.05 - 00:28)

coloco saldo no game 30% do valor I put a balance in the game 30% of the value

@  StormRain : (09.05 - 20:13)

21 Uhr - neue Con. Da laggt es immer und loggin dauert manchmal ewigs. Sollte bald wieder normal laufen

@  StoneColdSteve : (09.05 - 20:05)

Kann mich nicht mehr einloggen, was ist da los

@  Katze : (09.05 - 18:20)

sorry, aber das zieht sich noch etwas hin.

@  Sayu : (09.05 - 17:07)

Wo ist eigentlich das erwünschte neue Commiunty Team für Big Bang Empire geblieben ? Ich war Anfang April hier drin und mir wurde geschrieben das in den nächsten Tagen was erscheint im Big Bang Empire Forum. Joa jetzt haben wir fast schon Mitte Mai und bei dem Forum hat sich noch keiner sich vorgestellt. Wieder mal heiße Luft. Aber mir schon gedacht das man das 2te Spiel keine Aufmerksamkeit mehr schenkt ;)

@  s27Project : (09.05 - 08:55)

Jetzt mal ehrlich, klar es ist sehr ärgerlich, wenn mal eine Zahlung nicht funktioniert, hatte ich selber auch schon. Aber zu behaupten es sei abzocke pur? Hab mal deine Emotionen besser im griff

@  Katze : (09.05 - 08:34)

hast du denn schon im Support gefragt? So etwas sollte natürlich nicht passieren, aber hier im Forum kann ich nicht sehen, was da passiert ist.

@  Herbert2404 : (09.05 - 07:09)

Starterpaket 5,49€ trotz nachgewiesener Zahlung nicht erhalten. Angebot 200 Donis für 10,99€ trotz nachgewiesener Zahlung nicht erhalten. Playata wird immer schlechter, für mich ist das Abzocke pur!

@  Katze : (08.05 - 14:02)

Neuere Informationen habe ich noch nicht

@  xMPxDome : (08.05 - 13:53)


@  Cater1977 : (08.05 - 13:44)


@  Böhsman : (08.05 - 01:36)

Ok zu früh und unpassender Name aber egal

@  s27Project : (08.05 - 01:25)


@  s27Project : (08.05 - 01:23)

wurde angekündigt, musst nur lesen

@  s27Project : (08.05 - 01:22)

@  Böhsman : (07.05 - 23:58)

Danke fürs ankündigen der Doppel XP Woche liebes Community Team :-)

@  s27Project : (06.05 - 20:45)


@  darleen66@we... : (06.05 - 20:22)

Kann bestätigen dass dies mit dem "Bann" bei einer öfteren Anmeldung in kürzere Zeit existiert. Finde ich aufgrund von Multiaccounts allerdings sinnvoll.

@  s27Project : (06.05 - 16:25)

@Katze +1


Mitglied seit 28 Jun 2023
Offline Zuletzt aktiv: Dez 27 2023 10:38

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The Best Bagless Vacuum Cleaners


It can be stressful to run out and purchase new bags for your vacuum regularly. Bagless designs remove the concern about the amount of food you have left on your floors and carpets and the number of times that you have to go out to empty your vacuum cleaner bag. There were several considerations when you want to pick the best vacuum cleaner.


The primary considerations by vacuum buyers before purchase a Best Vacuum Cleaners DjipweH.gif are the vacuum suction power, filtration and size. Many customers also have questions about whether a bagged or bagless vacuum should be bought. The bagless vacuums vary mostly in dust tanks, their efficiency and pricing from bagged vacuums. Although bagless vacuums have so many benefits, they are not for everyone. Many conditions are where bagless vacuums work well, and others where they do not.




Most companies offer filtration like bagless models similar to those in boxed products, but this does not necessarily mean that they will work in the same way. This article will show you who should pick a bagless vacuum and who should not.


Who should pick a bagless vacuum?


The bagless vacuum is suitable for areas where you want convenience and a streamlined vacuuming solution. A great choice is a bagless vacuum for those who wish to:


To clear the vacuum quickly.


If you want the dirt-capturing part of the vacuum to be cleaned easily


If you're tired of buying bags


If you want to make an environmentally-friendly choice.


While a bagless vacuum has so many benefits, some situations may be better suited to a bagged vacuum. Consider avoiding

bagless vacuums:


If you have serious dust and animal hair allergies


When you want, all the particles to be trapped in a sealed bag.


If you are not happy to touch the dirt while using your vacuum


These are a good options for people who don't want to reduce waste with a bagged vacuum. Below are the two examples for you based on various best vacuum cleaner reviews.


☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★ ☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★


➜➜➜ Picked For You: What Are The Best Vacuum Cleaner? Find Out Nows1c4gnJ.gif


☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★ ☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★ – – – ☆★


1. Dyson V8 Absolute




Lightweight and cordless vacuum, it is easy to use this vacuum anywhere, and you won't be restricted by a cord. The Dyson V8 is also flexible with a single, bare floor. The cleaner head with a direct drive can be used directly on carpets and offers the most robust set up for eight minutes of trouble-free washing. It offers a relatively quiet vacuum experience in spite of Dyson's sturdy V8 design.


Thanks to the immediate release trigger which only operates when the vacuum cleans, the battery lasts longer than many cordless versions. A HEPA filter removes particles from the vacuuming surface more efficiently. This filters and cleans air before releasing it back into the atmosphere. The hands-free clean-up solution is a one-click hygiene dirt ejector.


Follow us at: TheKingLive


Bissell Zing Bagless Canister Vacuum


The exclusive Bissell bagless vacuum is one of the v4izu9H.gif Best Vacuum Cleaner. It has a canister that provides excellent suction with a convenient pull-out shape. An additional large dirt cup will makes the vacuum free of bags. Each filter is used to capture fine dust and particulate matter with the dirt cup and motor. All cartridges are washable and reusable, so you do not need to keep buying replacements.


Bagless vacuums are gaining popularity mostly because you need bother about the buying, removing and reusing of containers. You also always know when to clean your bagless vacuum because most of them have clear canisters that reveal all the dirt and grime you have picked up with your vacuum cleaner. But, if you are a person with an indoor allergy, bagless vacuums will create more dust from the air when vacuuming or emptying the dust in the garbage.


Source: https://orangeorappl....php?f=2&t=6250


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